2021: A Year of Silver Linings
aka: The Year of The Floor
A Quiet Year - At Least It Started Out That Way
When the pandemic was proclaimed, no one thought that we would be in this boat a year later but here we are. We have all learned a lot about space and respect and seeing the silver linings where ever you can and taking advantage of them.
ZOOM to the Rescue for AGM for Year 2020
Held on March 19, 2021, Beaver Point Community Hall Association's Annual General Meeting for the year ending Dec 31 2020 was a first in that it was a zoom AGM. There wasn't a whole lot to report as it was the first year of the pandemic. Treasurer Sherry Parnel retired after three years and Friends of Beaver Point Hall, Diane Thomas, Ron Watts and Steve Smith were elected to the Board as Members at Large .
The Floor: A Project 15 Years Over Due
A Project to Make Noise About
It was been 84 years since the hall was completed and the floor has seen all sorts of activities over those years and is way past its best by date. The main problem aside from funding was having to close the hall for a month or more to get the job done. Well, the Pandemic handed us the unoccupied time now all we needed was funding.
Solution: Start multiple fundraising campaigns. We started with a Basement Sale followed by a Call Out to the Community, applying for grants to the SSI Foundation and to 100 Men Who Care on Salt Spring.
Results: Heartfelt messages sent from the floor itself to the Community saw the Community responding with open hearts and pockets to the tune of $7,160.00 - well on the way to finance the floor installation. Thank You, Community!
The application to the SSI Foundation for their Spring Granting session resulted in being generously granted the amount of $10,00.00 to cover the costs of the new flooring wood (Easter Maple). Thank You SSI Foundation!
The results of the application to 100 Men Who Care were announced on June 2nd and we have been awarded $10,000 - Thank You 100 Men Who Care!
Now Things Start to Pick Up!
The First Wedding in 2 Years!
Was held on the first weekend in August and quickly followed by a Wedding anniversary in September. This was the reception they were unable to hold in 2020
The Alternate Schools Start at the beginning of September.
Music and Concerts Get Toes Tapping on the New Floor

Harry Manx - Solo
Photo c Rober Julei

Celtic WinterFest
Just to name a few:
Dance Temple, Local Group Music Rehearsals, Hula, Baroque Workshop, Harry Manx Concerts,
Harry Manx Blues Concerts, Celtic Concert, Folk Dance, Pitchfork Concerts

Harry Manx - Blues Session
Photo c Ron Watts
Someone Was Psychic!!! Then the Atmospheric River Hit

In Mid-October
On the To-Do list for over a year and with a credit at Windsor Plywood, Steve, Ron Nate and Jim pooled their considerable expertise, talent and muscle and repaired the drainage at the back of the Hall.
And Thank Heavens!
Nov 15 the skies opened!

Photos courtesy and copyright of Ron Watts Video courtesy of Noni Fogarty

The Year Ended on a High Note with Christmas Craft Fair 2021
December 2021 and we are still dealing with the ramifications and restrictions imposed by the ever changing pandemic so it was a smaller Christmas Craft Fair - only two days instead of three, one half the number of vendors and no sit-down dining. It was something we all needed. With the support of a crew of magnificent volunteers, 19 awesome vendors, 31 wonderful neighbour cookie bakers, Lou Ellis' delightful savoury takeaways, gift card donations from Country Grocer and Thrifty Foods, and weather conducive to outings on both days our COVID Coping Christmas Craft Fair was an amazing success. THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Starting on June 25th the preparation work will start.