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I'm 87, Feeling My Age But Getting a New Lease on Life

First off the bat:  
           After a warm December, mid-January took the blooming flowers and everyone else by surprise  with an intense week of sub-zero highs and lows.  We had turned off the outside water to prevent freezing damage that worked but the well-head didn't make it.  But thanks to Steve and Stream Line Plumbing the damage was repaired and the water is flowing again!


for the Fireside room Sofa and Love Seat


Our fireside couches were redone by one of our community members - Tammy Maltese of Slip Covers Canada (West Coast & Alberta -


Her email is:



Thank you so much Tammy for doing this for the hall.  Our poor couches needed some new life.

NEXT UP and First Step in the BIG PROJECT (Total Rework of our Plumbing and UpGrade of Greywater System


In the second week of January, Jim Goldie, Steve Smith and Ron Watts began converting half of the basement into a Mechanical Room for all of the fixtures that are taking up room in the Kitchen - hot water and pressure tanks etc.... 


Photos curtesy of Ron Watts

The end of January and the dancing shoes come out  With the Winter CONTRADANCE

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